People usually don’t give credit to thoughts because they feel they are not conclusive and tend to dwell so much on ambitions, yet without realising the fact that these play a critical role in their everyday lives. Thought if truly appreciated can be the centre of debate on critical issues, because one can state anything without any limits or even without being blinkered. Thoughts if allowed to freely express themselves in appreciative platforms can be the backbone of tangible actions.
How many times have we rebuked an action of a friend or even that of the government and conclusively state that this issue has not been given much thought? Don’t you think that is the reason why they are opposition political parties, civic society organisations and anti-thesis that amongst other things aim to criticise and replace thoughtless actions and hypothesis?
Unfortunately thoughts will forever remain thoughts and unknown if not retold. One of my friends, colleague and a person whom I have a great respect of once wrote that, people especially youths should value the aspect of writing issues and debates and turn these into readable material so that the world becomes the epicentre of knowledge and debate as well as remain beneficial to the future generation. There is a need therefore to unlock our thoughts as they have the potential of changing the linear progression of events. Yes, thoughts can change a policy of a country, influence a clause in an Act, and help a friend not make an abrupt decision, change behaviours and stir an organisation / company into the headway of success.
That can only happen if thoughts are retold, documented and retold again.
History has shared to us experiences of great leaders who made a name of themselves and that of their nation through thoughts. A case in point Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin of Russia, whom I like to call them the great society of thinkers in the 20th century, who using their own situation in Russia came up with an antithesis of stages towards reaching the socialism. Interestingly during their time, few people managed to fully comprehend and appreciate what “the great society of thinkers” was thinking. Some never bothered to listen to them, some repressed them, some listened and kept quiet, some told their stories to neighbours and their wives in secret hidings...
But SOME, openly engaged with them, perfected their thoughts and helped in turning their thoughts into feasible actions.
Since then their thoughts dominated the world political discourse long after they had passed away. Apart from that, their thoughts are still being studied in various and renowned academic institutions.
So thoughts do matter after all, if shared and documented, they can change the unexpected and help one come up to a better judgement.