Saturday, 1 December 2012

Delayed Development

The government of Zimbabwe embarked on a housing scheme dubbed Operation Garikai predecessing the much publicised Operation Murambatsvina. 

The Operation Garikai in the case of Bulawayo saw  nearly 2 000 housing stands being distributed. The people that were settled in these areas were encouraged to join a consortium that will be influencial in servicing their stands. Shocking enough, despite people making their monthly subscription for the past 4 years, the area still faces serious under-development. 

Added to that there has been some tussle between the Bulawayo city council, the government and the Consortium. Such contestations have generally made people suspicious of the proposed development.
According to a report made by the Consortium, people in Cowdraw Park new stands do not have access to “electricity and have been forced therefore to resort to the use of Generators and Solar energy. However, this survival strategy is not enough and there is need for immediate action”. The report further went on to state that people have been forced to use Blair toilets for ablution and few homes have managed to have build septic tanks. Such state of affairs has further contributed to the a health threat looming in the area.

No doubt this delayed action by the city council has been a cause for concern for the residents, and it can be summed as delayed development that seems to not to be forthcoming.   

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